





地点:TIB K1033


报告题目:Advanced transmission electron microscopy on two-dimensional materials

摘要:In this presentation, I will present the recent electron microscopy technologies such as in situ TEM, lose dose TEM and 4D STEM, and their applications in energy materials, 2D materials and others. Especially, I will clarify the ferroic ordering in 2D and their physical origin, and introduce how to control/manipulate the phase transition and the ferroelectricity as well as ferroelasticity in 2D and build novel devices. We applied a variety of in situ transmission electron microscopy techniques, specifically employing in situ mechanical manipulation, in situ mechanical testing, in situ electrical testing, in situ heating, and in situ electron beam control, to conduct comprehensive investigations of ferroic phase transitions and ferroic ordering in two-dimensional (2D) chalcogenides. The diverse phases observed in these ferroic 2D materials showcase unique mechanical, electrical, and other captivating physical properties. Through our study, we successfully established a direct correlation between atomic-scale structures and device-level performance, thereby enhancing our understanding and enabling practical applications of 2D functional materials.

赵炯博士,香港理工大学应用物理系副教授。分别于2007年和2012年获得清华大学学士和博士学位。2012-2017年分别在IFW Dresden和成均馆大学从事博士后研究工作,之后于2017年加入香港理工大学。赵炯教授是国家基金委首届优秀青年基金(港澳)获得者。研究组近年来在二维材料生长,表征和应用等方向上完成了很多重要工作,以第一或者通讯作者发表在Science, Nat Nanotech, PNAS, PRL, Sci Adv, Nat Commun, JACS, Angew Chemie,等杂志发表研究论文超过100篇。